The French Centre for Ethiopian Studies (FCES) [fr]

The CFEE is one of the French Institutes of research financed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (IFRE 23). Since 2007, it is also under the supervision of the CNRS (USR 3137).



The French House of Ethiopian studies created in 1991 succeeded to the Archeological Mission in Ethiopia, established in 1952, in Addis Ababa upon the request of Emperor Hayle Selassie, to coordinate French excavations in the ancient city of Aksum. It became the French Centre for Ethiopian Studies (CFEE) in 1997, and became the Service and Research Unit 3137 of the CNRS in 2007. This institute was successively headed by the ethnologist Jacques Bureau until 1997, by the historian Bertrand Hirsch from 1997 till 2001, by the political scientist Gérard Prunier from 2001 till 2006, by the historian François-Xavier Fauvelle from 2006 till 2009, by the anthropologist Eloi Ficquet from 2009 till 2012, by the archaeologist Jean-François Breton from 2012 till 2014, and by the political scientist David Ambrosetti from 2014 till 2018. The current director of the CFEE is the geographer Marie Bridonneau.


The mission of CFEE is to develop and coordinate French-Ethiopian researches, in the field of competence including Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somaliland, Djibouti, and South Sudan, in the domains of Earth, Environment, Human and Social Sciences, such as Palaeontology, Archaeology, History, Sociology, Political Sciences, Geography. For that purpose, the CFEE develops partnerships with several universities in Ethiopia (Addis Ababa University, Mekelle University, Debre Berhan University, among others) and is involved in different international research programs. The CFEE can also offrer logistic and institutional support to researchers and provides a library with about 4.000 references (including about 800 publications in Ethiopian language). The CFEE also publishes a scientific journal, Annales d’Éthiopie, started in 1955, and contibutes to scientific and valorizations editorial activities.


Three main themes shape researches in the CFEE:
Theme 1. Long-term environment, exchanges, and techniques
Theme 2. Materialities, written cultures, and oral histories
Theme 3. Social and political transformations in the contemporary Horn of Africa
And two Interdisciplinary programs
Ethiopian Heritage in the Making
Women and Gender in the Horn of Africa: constructions and social dynamics

Library Opening Hours

Open to everyone from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am till 12:30 pm and from 02:00pm till 05:00 pm

The French Centre for Ethiopian Studies
Embassy of France in Ethiopia
Po Lock-up garage 5554 - Addis Abeba
Tel: 11 123 47 67/68
Fax: 251 11 123 47 66
Facebook Page:

Director – Marie Bridonneau

Scientific Project Manager – Clément Ménard

CNRS research fellow appointed to the CFEE - Constance Perrin-Joly
IRIS Page:

Office manager – Abera Solomon.
Courriel :

Accounting manager – Hanna Siyum Tadesse.
Courriel :

Secretary – Tinsae Eskender.
Courriel :

Dernière modification : 04/06/2019

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