Translation of documents in French for the consular services

The translator approved by the Embassy of France is :

  • Trust computer – M. Leoud TEFFERA
    Address : Mezid Plaza building – 7eme étage – N°706, Addis Abeba
    Phone number : 09 11 60 90 23
    E-mail :
  • Wisdom Translation
    Address : Lideta district, Office 101 on the 1st floor of the Fezak Market Centre
    Phone number : 09 13 07 40 46 / 09 40 11 78 71
    E-mail: ...

This list is provided for information purposes only and does not engage the responsibility of the administration either for the quality of the services provided or for the amount of the fees charged.

Dernière modification : 18/04/2024

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