Family of refugees in France

Family members of a refugee living in France may apply for a family reunification visa at the French Embassy in Addis Ababa.

Family reunification appointments can only be scheduled Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons .

To apply for family reunification, the refugee in France must send his/her registration certificate to OFPRA (French Office for Refugees) with his/her personal identification number. The family members must prove the link with the refugee living in France and provide identity documents.

At the end of the procedure and if visas are issued, a laissez-passer is produced.

With the exception of Ethiopian nationals, a laissez-passer (which is an official document issued by the French consulate and can only be used once to return to France) can be issued under certain conditions to undocumented visa applicants. It is a temporary document valid for 30 days. The family reunification visa is affixed to the back of the pass.

Due to a very large number of applications, appointments may not be given for up to 3 months. It may take up to 4 months for the application to be processed in full, renewable for the same length of time.

Dernière modification : 11/04/2024

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